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Walt Lanfranconi
Max Lanier
Cookie Lavagetto
Garland Lawing
Bob Lemon
Don Lenhardt
Buddy Lewis
Johnny Lipon
Danny Litwhiler
Buddy Lively
Bill Lobe
Dario Lodigiani
Vic Lombardi
Stan Lopata
Peanuts Lowrey
Johnny Lucadello
Hersh Lyons
Ted Lyons
Max Macon
Frank Mancuso
Phil Marchildon
Morrie Martin
Ray Martin
Joe Marty
Walt Masterson
Gene Mauch
Pinky May
Bill McCahan
Mike McCormick
Barney McCosky
Benny McCoy
Maje McDonnell
Ralph McLeod
Cal McLish
Carl McNabb
Russ Meers
Rube Melton
Lloyd Merriman
Russ Meyer
Eddie Miksis
John "Ox" Miller
Colonel "Buster" Mills
Al Milnar
Johnny Mize
Bill Moisan
Dee Moore
Bill Morrell
Emmett "Heinie" Mueller
Hugh Mulcahy
Dick Mulligan
Red Munger
Stan Musial