Phil Marchildon
Date and
Place of Birth:
October 13, 1913 Penetanguishene, Ontario, Canada
January 10, 1997 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Major League
Flying Officer
Military Unit:
433 Squadron RCAF
European Theater of Operations
Marchildon, one of the most successful Ontario-born pitchers to
reach the major leagues, grew up in Penetanguishene, (about 200
miles northeast of London on an inlet
of southern Georgian Bay). His
major league career spanned 10 years with the Philadelphia
Athletics, but nearly came to a tragic end when he was shot down
over Germany while serving with the Royal
Canadian Air Force in August 1944.
Marchildon, who was born on October 13, 1913, was a hard-nosed kid
who did not play baseball until high school, but quickly developed
into an excellent pitcher as well as a standout in football and
hockey at Penetang High School. In 1932, at the age of 18,
he began pitching for the Penetang Rangers, the town’s entry in the
tough North Simcoe Intermediate League. Out of an awkward, unnatural
delivery he had an overpowering fastball and a hard-breaking curve,
and led the team to repeated success. However, Penetanguishene, like
most other places in North America,
was hit hard by the Great Depression, and Marchildon needed to get a
job. Baseball certainly was not going to pay the bills, but an offer
from International Nickel, a company that operated a mine in
Creighton Mines, near Sudbury, and sponsored a baseball team in the
senior-level Nickel Belt League, meant that he could combine the
Marchildon quickly became the ace of the team’s pitching staff and
remained there through the 1938 season when he set a league record
by striking out 275 batters in 25 regular season games. In July
1938, despite being 24 (a little old to be getting started in
professional baseball), Marchildon had a tryout with the Toronto
Maple Leafs of the International League. In two innings he struck
out every batter he faced and was offered a $500 signing bonus by
the Maple Leafs manager, Dan Howley.
The 5-foot-11, 190-pound right-hander joined the club the following
year (1939) but after a shaky start he was assigned to
of the Canadian-American League, where, over a period of 17 days, he
won six consecutive games and had an outstanding earned run average
of 1.20. He was soon back in
returned to and finished the year with a 5-7 won-loss record
and 4.50 ERA. In 1940, he was 10-13 with a 3.18 ERA, and earned a
late-season promotion to Connie Mack’s major league Philadelphia
Athletics. The 26-year-old made two starts for the Athletics and
lost both games but was impressive enough to join the clubs’
starting rotation the following year. Marchildon was 10-15 in 1941
for the last-placed team, then won and exceptional 17 games the
following year despite the Athletics finishing 48 games out of first
place. There was little doubt about his ability to pitch in the
major leagues, and with a better team he was a sure 20-game winner,
but the military beckoned after the 1942 season and he began more
than 30 months of service with the Royal Canadian Air Force – an
all-volunteer force.
Marchildon trained as an aerial gunner at Souris in Manitoba. From there he
was later stationed at Trenton, Ontario, where he pitched for the Trenton Air Force team,
and was later commissioned a pilot officer with No. 2 Training
Command at Winnipeg on July 23, 1943.
He went on to graduate as a gunner with No. 3 Bombing and Gunnery
School at MacDonald, Manitoba, and was then stationed in Halifax,
Nova Scotia – where he briefly pitched for the Halifax Air Force
team - before leaving for England in August 1943.
Flying Officer Marchildon was stationed at the picturesque south
coast town of Bournemouth, when he
first arrived in
England, and it was while walking
along the main street on a Sunday afternoon that he had his first
unexpected contact with the enemy. A German fighter plane appeared
in the clear blue sky above and proceeded to strafe the street.
Marchildon scrambled for cover in a doorway as bullets tore through
the sidewalk. It was his first of numerous life-threatening close
encounters with the enemy.
Marchildon joined the 82nd Operational Training Unit at
Ossington for intensive bomber training before reporting for active
duty to 433 Squadron of the RCAF at RAF Skipton-on-Swayle in
Yorkshire. As a tail-gunner in a Handley Page Halifax
bomber, Marchildon flew night time missions that were treacherous
and uncomfortable, and in conditions that were so cold his guns
would often freeze. On one occasion, his plane returned from an
operation with 30 shrapnel holes made by enemy anti-aircraft guns,
including one that had come perilously close to the fuel tanks in
the wings.
"Some Americans went over with us one night," Marchildon recalled in
The Sporting News in July
1945, "and after that they said 'Never again at night' [all American
bomber missions were flown during the day]. In the daytime you can't
see the stuff shooting up at you. But at night, wow! It's tracers
and rockets all around that scare you to death."
Active duty offered little time for Marchildon to play baseball, but
his brother-in-law, Adam McKenzie, who played for the DeHavilland
Comets (a team based at an aircraft manufacturing plant that
featured numerous Canadians in its line-up), persuaded him to make a
handful of appearances for the team. "I only played a few games over
there and was not in very good condition to do so," he later
His first outing against an unsuspecting U.S. Army team, however,
tells a different story. In his autobiography,
Ace, co-written with Brian
Kendall, Marchildon recounted how he threw three strikes right by
the first batter. "The poor guy hadn't lifted his bat off his
shoulder." The strikeouts continued, and one by one the American
batters returned to the bench in bewilderment, wondering who this
guy was. McKenzie finally revealed, "That's Phil Marchildon of the
Philadelphia Athletics!"
During the night of August 16, 1944, Marchildon flew his 26th
mission laying mines in
Bay - he was four missions
away from going home and hoped to be back with the Athletics for the
1945 season. But, as the bomber flew through the darkness above the
Baltic Sea on the way to its target, it was attacked and
set ablaze by a German night fighter. The pilot immediately gave
orders for the crew to bail out but in the spiralling chaos and
confusion only the navigator and Marchildon escaped.

Stranded in the icy water of the Baltic Sea,
both crew members faced death from hyperthermia before they were
eventually picked up by a Danish fishing boat and handed over to the
German authorities. Marchildon spent the following year at Stalag
Luft III near the town of Sagan, then in Germany,
but now part of
Poland, where over 10,000 Allied
prisoners were held. Caged behind ten-foot high-barbed wire fences,
and looked upon by heavily-armed tower guards, 350 prisoners were
involved in the camp softball league in which Marchildon was a
heavy-hitting outfielder for the squad that won the camp
championship. “Looks like I’ll be missing another baseball season,”
he wrote his wife in December 1944. “We can only hope for the best
now. I, for one, am praying for the day it ends and hope it will be
soon. We seem kind of useless here and feel it deeply. We feel the
people at home do not realize our predicament as fully as they
By mid-January 1945, the advancing Russian forces were only 150
miles from Stalag Luft III. The camp was evacuated and the German
guards marched the prisoners to
Bremen. Then, as the Anglo-American forces
closed in, they were moved again. Suffering from exhaustion and
frost bite, many died along the way in what became known as the
infamous Death March. On May 2, 1945, Marchildon and his fellow
prisoners were finally liberated. "We were sleeping in a field when
I woke up suddenly and heard troops passing," he recalled. "I
thought they were Germans, but learned next day that the British had
us surrounded. Our guards stacked their guns in a building and
locked the door then surrendered to the British."
By this time, he was severely malnourished and had lost 30 pounds in
weight. He was flown back to England
to recuperate then returned to
by boat.
Nine months as a prisoner-of-war had taken its toll. He suffered
recurring nightmares, his nerves were in tatters and, not
surprisingly, he had little interest in returning to baseball. "When
I came home, my nerves came all loose," he remembered. "First night
home I took my blankets out in the yard and slept on the ground.
Couldn't sleep in a bed."
However, the persuasive Athletics' owner, Connie Mack, eventually
talked Marchildon into re-joining the team. On July 6, 1945, he
worked out with the club in
Chicago. "A new nervousness of speech and
gesture suggests something of what he went through," wrote Red Smith
in The Sporting News in
July 1945.
August 29, 1945, was Phil Marchildon Night at
Shibe Park, and the official start of his
comeback after almost three seasons away from the game. Before
19,267 fans, the obviously weak hurler was applauded during an
official ceremony before throwing two-hit ball for five innings in a
2-1 win over the Senators.
Marchildon found it difficult to focus on baseball. “I’d kind of
drift away from concentration,” he said. “I’d think about how lucky
I was to get out of it all.” He also found himself thinking
about the other five crew members who perished with the plane when
it was shot down. Marchildon didn't know of their fate until after
the war ended.
The 31-year-old made three brief appearances for the Athletics
before the 1945 season ended, but was back in full stride the
following year, winning 13 and losing 16 as the Athletics finished
in their familiar last place. In 1947, he truly regained his pre-war
form – something most onlookers thought would never happen - winning
19 games with a 3.22 ERA. “When Marchildon pitches, I might as well
leave my bat in the clubhouse,” quipped Yankees’ shortstop Phil
It was, however, to be his last shining moment in baseball. Arm
problems stopped him from ever regaining his form of the summer of
Marchildon continued to pitch in the majors until 1950, and then
played for a couple of years in the
League in Ontario. He went to work for A. V. Roe in Malton, Ontario, the
aviation company that produced the CF-105 Avro Arrow jet fighter, Canada's
greatest aeronautical achievement, the subsequent cancellation of
which still remains a story of political intrigue and controversy.
He then worked for Dominion Metal Wear Industries near
Toronto, and retired, aged 65, in 1978.
Phil Marchildon was inducted in Canada’s Sport Hall of Fame in 1976,
and the Canadian Baseball Hall of Fame in 1983.
On July 1, 1995, he was honoured at the
Toronto Sky Dome. Throwing out the first ball, he was celebrated as
a Canadian hero for his baseball talent and for his bravery in World
War II. He passed away in Toronto on January 10, 1997, at the age of 83.
Thanks to the late
Phil Marchildon for help with his biography.
Created August 2, 2006. Updated May 1, 2009.
Copyright © 2009 Gary Bedingfield (Baseball
in Wartime). All Rights Reserved.