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John McNamara
Position: Pitcher
Current Address: Millville, MA
Military Service: 1943 to 1946 1st Marine Division USMC

"While a drill instructor in the Marines in WWII
at Parris Island, South Carolina, I played in the base team which was composed
of many major leaguers -- Gene Desautels who caught for the Cleveland Indians -
"Boots" Poffenberger who played (pitched) for many major league teams - Johnny
Barrett who played for the Boston Braves - to name a few. I was a pitcher by the
At Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, I pitched against an all Negro team stationed
at Montford Point, Camp Lejeune, and they had some great players. Many of these
players could have played major league ball, but until Jackie Robinson broke the
color barrier, they were banned by the Majors.
At Colgate University in the V-12 program I played against Johnny VanderMeer (in
1938 he pitched two consecutive no hit-no run games, a record which has never
been broken) of the Cincinnati Reds, and Hal White of the Detroit Tigers when
they were with the Sampson Naval Training Base.
Overseas in the Solomon Islands I played against many major and minor leaguers.
After the battle of Okinawa I was asked to manage the 1st Marine Division
Baseball Team, but we only played a few games before being sent to Peking, China
(now called Beijing) to accept the surrender of the Japs.
After the war I played in the Boston Braves organization for a few years, never
having made the majors."
Thanks to John J. McNamara, who is now 83 years of age and living Millville,
Copyright © 2007 Gary Bedingfield (Baseball
in Wartime). All Rights Reserved.