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Date and
Place of Birth:
April 8, 1920 Tuolumne, California
Major League
Position: First Base
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Military Unit: USAAF
United States
Major League Stats:
Dick Adams on Baseball-Almanac
Richard L “Dick” Adams was born on April 8, 1920 in Tuolumne,
California. He came from a
musical family and his father wanted him to be a classical musician
- although he preferred jazz.
But instead,
signed a professional baseball contract for Cincinnati Reds
along with his brother
Bobby and was assigned to the Ogden Reds in the Class C Pioneer
League in 1939. In 1940 he played with Tucson Cowboys and the
Albuquerque Cardinal, in the Class D Arizona-Texas League.
"In 1941," Dick
Adams told baseball historian Bill Swank on July 20, 2007.
"I batted .318 for the Fresno Cardinals in the California League
and got promoted to Sacramento at the end of the season. I knew
I was getting drafted. A friend of mine at Moffet Field
[California)] called me and said I should join the Army Air
Corps. Because I'd be in the band, I didn't have to go through
basic training... no KP... no guard duty. I was assigned to the
Santa Ana (California) Air Base and we played for all the dances
- enlisted, cadets, officers and the USO shows when they'd come
from Hollywood.
"They didn't have a
baseball team when I first got there. The guy who was the CO of
the enlisted men at the base liked sports and knew I'd been a
ballplayer. Actually we had a great football team. Can you
believe it? The band had the best football team on the base and
we won the championship. That made everybody mad. I was the
quarterback and my brothers, Bobby and Wes, were the ends. They
even picked an all-star team to play us and we beat 'em three
"When they started
the baseball team, we had guys like Jack Jacobs who'd been an
All-American football player at Oklahoma and Merle Hapes who
played football for the New York Giants and got caught up in
gambling accusations. Joe DiMaggio came in 1943. He was assigned
to the base as a PE instructor to lead calisthenics. He learned
to play handball and became a helluva handball player. I was a
good handball player and he got to where he could beat me 50-50.
He had those catlike moves and I could move like a cat then,
too. [laughter]
"We won a lot of games when Joe was on the
team. He was always a nice guy, just a quiet person. My nickname
was "Rowdy Richard," because I was so quiet. We only talked
during PE and on the ball field. Joe stuck by himself. He spent
every weekend in Hollywood. You remember there was rationing
during the war, but Joe always had all the gas and tires he
"Was he cheap? No cheaper than any other
ballplayer. We'd wait in hotel lobbies for a guy to put his
newspaper down and then we'd take it. Newspapers cost a nickel
back then and ballplayers didn't like to spend money. Four of us
went to a restaurant in Boston once and we all left a quarter
tip. A quarter was a lot of money back then. Afterward, the
waiter followed us out to the street and said, 'You need this
more than I do.' He was insulted by our tip. [laughter]
"Our team at Santa
Ana was good. We beat Red Ruffing's Long Beach Ferry Command. He
had a lot of big leaguers. Well, Red was in his late thirties
by then and went into training for a month. Next time we played
them, he beat us, 2-0. Joe and I both struck out twice and my
brother Bobby struck out three times. I know we won a lot of
games in a row, but don't remember who broke our streak.
"I do remember that
the Air Corps flew us around to play other bases to raise
morale. Of course, everybody wanted to see Joe play. We flew up
to Ogden and Salt Lake City, but I remember Tucson the best. I
went four-for-four off Bill Clemensen who pitched for the
Pirates. We stayed at the St. Rita Hotel. They had an elevator
with an operator. You remember how they used to have elevator
operators. She wore a uniform and was a good looking gal. She
recognized Joe and stopped the elevator between floors. It was
just her, Joe, me and my brother Bobby in the elevator. She
said, 'Mr. DiMaggio, I can make you forget your wife.' Joe had
just gotten divorced from his wife the actress Dorothy Arnold.
Joe shook his head. Bobby and I said, 'What about us?' She said,

Santa Ana Army Air Base in
1943. Dick Adams is back row, sixth left. His
brother Bobby is front row, fourth left and Joe
DiMaggio is front row, seventh left.

"Playing ball
in the military helped me because we played against good
competition. We faced some good pitchers and had some good
crowds. The enlisted men really turned out to see Joe
DiMaggio... and the Adams Brothers play." [laughter]
In December 1945 Staff Sergeant
Adams was mustered out of service. Adams hit .330 and drove in 155
runs for the Wenatchee Chiefs of the Class B Western International
League in 1946 and in November of that year was drafted by the
Philadelphia Athletics. On May 20, 1947, Dick Adams made his major
league debut with Philadelphia. He remained with the club for the
1947 season, appearing in 37 games and batting .202 with two home
He was back in the minor leagues
in 1948 where he continued to play until 1953. His brother, Bobby,
was an infielder with the Reds, White Sox, Orioles and Cubs from
1946 to 1959. His nephew, Mike, Bobby’s son, was an outfielder with
the Twins, Cubs and Athletics during the 1970s.
"After I finished playing and managing in pro
ball, I was a basketball coach, baseball coach and athletic
director in the Whittier Union High School District for 26 years,"
he told Bill Swank. "I'm 87 years old and still play golf, but had
to give up tennis in my early 80s because my knees gave out. I
also play Big Band music several times a week with a group for
senior dances, but jazz is still my favorite."
Herm Reich,
Bill Swank and Dick Adams on July 20, 2007 |
Thanks to Bill Swank for sharing the transcript
of his great interview with Dick Adams. Thanks to Dick Adams for
many of the photos.
Created July 17, 2007. Updated July 31, 2007.
Copyright © 2015 Gary Bedingfield (Baseball
in Wartime). All Rights Reserved.